Version-1 (May-June 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: Based on secondary data, the study is intended to draw the scenario of RMG industry in Bangladesh, especially the growth, contribution, and challenges. RMG industry has been functioning in Bangladesh since long as a catalyst for sustainable development and growth of the country. It is the largest exporting industry in Bangladesh that has experienced tremendous growth during the last 25 years. It provided more than five million direct jobs, 16 percent of GDP, and more than 81 percent of foreign exchange earnings in FY2013-2014. The Knitwear industry is adding up to 75% value, which opens up enormous potential for foreign and domestic investors to spend in the areas of spinning, weaving, sewing, packaging, and accessories manufacturing................
Keywords: Challenges, Contribution, Growth, Knitwear, RMG
[1]. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Mustafizur Rahman, and Ananya Raihan, "Contribution of the RMG Sector to the Bangladesh Economy," CPD Occasional Paper Series 50, (2002):1. .
[2]. Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturing and Exporting Association (BKMEA), History of Development of Knitwear of Bangladesh, accessed February 27, 2016,
[3]. Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), "Made in Bangladesh with pride," accessed February 27, 2016,
[4]. Enamul Hafiz Latifee, "RMG Sector towards a Thriving Future," The Daily Star, February 02, 2016, accessed March 5, 2016
[5]. Debapriya Bhattacharya and Mustafizur Rahman, "Bangladesh‟s Apparel Sector: Growth Trends and the Post-MFA Challenges" in Growth of Garment Industry in Bangladesh: Economic and Social Dimensions, Proceedings of a National seminar on ready-made garment industry, edited by, Pratima Paul-Majumder, Binayak Sen (2001): 2-26.
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Abstract: L'objectif de cet article est d'identifier les déterminants de l'adoption des bonnes pratiques culturales de la noix de cajou. Les résultats de l'estimation du modèle logit multinomial non ordonné montrent que les variables sociales telles que la localisation et le niveau d'éducation (primaire, lycée et autre formation) favorisent l'adoption des bonnes pratiques de la noix de cajou avant la récolte. Par contre, l'adoption de certaines bonnes pratiques culturales au niveau de la noix de cajou diminue avec l'âge du chef d'exploitant ainsi que la taille du ménage............
Keywords: Good agricultural practices, cashew nuts, Côte d'Ivoire, multinomial. Jel :Q1 ;O3
[1]. Adégbola P. Y., Oloukoï L. et H. C. Sossou. 2005. Analyse de la compétitivité de la filière anacarde au Bénin. Rapport technique final, PAPA/INRAB, Bénin. 35 p.
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[5]. Feder G. & Umali D.L., 1993, the adoption of agricultural innovations, Review. Technological forecasting and Social Change, 43, 215-239.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of E-Tourism in Indias GDP |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Soumya k |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803011619 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism is an activity that is mainly Carrie out for recreational and leisure time purposes. This activity has proved vital for many countries developing as well as developed count ries. It has been proved in case of India. During the last decade of 20th century, India saw the emergence of e-tourism, its innovation and growth. It is because of the online revolution and its utility where the tourists are more interested to get information on destinations, facilities, availabilities, prices, geography & climate and present status of friendly relation. This led to the development of e-commerce strategies in tourism industry and more services in the form of online hotel booking, flight booking............
Keywords: E-commerce, E-tourism, economic development. , GDP, online revolution.
[1]. Jennings, G. (2006) Tourism Research (John Wiley & Sons,Australia).,
[2]. Veal, A. J, (2006) Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A Practical Guide, 3rd ed (Prentice Hall),
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[5]. Buhalis, D., 2003, eTourism: Information Technology for strategic tourism management.
[6]. Buhalis, D., A.M. Tjoa and J. Jafari 1998, Information and Communication
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Abstract: Loan acquisition and repayment among small scale rice farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria was investigated. The study determined the quantum of loan sourced and acquired by small scale rice farmers; ascertained the determinants of successful loan acquisition from formal financial institutions; estimated the repayment rates among the beneficiaries; and analyzed factors that affect loan repayment performance of the beneficiaries. A multistage simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of the respondents. Primary data were generated through the use of well structured questionnaire admitted to 120 small scale rice farmer beneficiaries. Descriptive statistics............
[1]. Abdalla, E. M. & Ebaidalla, E. M. (2012). Determinants of small farmer's access to formal credit institutions in Kassala state, East Sudan. University of Kassala Journal, First Issue, April 2012.
[2]. Adegbite, S. A., Momoh, S. & A. Alade (2007). Determinants of Informal Savings Mobilization among Farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development 4(1&2) Amstys Book and Co., Abeokuta.
[3]. Amjad, S. & Hasnu, SAF (2007). Smallholders' access to rural credit: Evidence from Pakistan. The Labore Journal of economics. Vol. 12(2): 1-25
[4]. Arene, C. J. (1993) An analysis of loan repayment potentials of smallholder soyabean group farmers in Nigeria. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 1993, 32(1): 160-169.
[5]. Bassem B. S.(2008) Determinants of successful group loan repayment: An application to Tunisia. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 2008, vol.10, No. 2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Risk Management in Islamic Banking |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Dr. Ghassan Farouk Ghandour |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803012739 ![]() |
Abstract: The risk management system in Islamic institutions need to be able to address the unique characteristics and attributes associated with Islamic financing operations involving financial contracts and instruments which may give rise to other risks besides credit risk. The risk management infrastructure needs to be in place to facilitate the identification, measurement, monitoring and control of all inherent risks present in all the various types of financing so that the specific risks involved may be 'unbundled'. The complexities of the respective risks in the Islamic financial instruments therefore need to be fully explored and quantified to provide for their effective assessment and management.
Keywords: Risk management – Basel – Islamic banks
[1]. Banking risk (Joseph Yam, Chief executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
[2]. Compilation guide on financial soundness, IMF, Washington Dc, Appendix VIT glossary.
[3]. Banking risk (Joseph Yam, Chief executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authurity.
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[6]. Capital Adequacy ratios basic course on evaluating financial performance and portfolio risk, 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Paradox of Tourism in Underdeveloped Economies |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Gina Ferrara |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803014043 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism plays a major role for many countries' economies; however, for countries with developing economies, the challenge is simply establishing a tourism industry. In order to have a prosperous tourism industry, investment, stability, and infrastructure are key. The paradox lies in the fact that financial capital is necessary to grow tourism, and in an economy where funding is scarce, the ability to grow is limited.
Keywords: Developing country, economic growth, tourism, travel, underdeveloped economy
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[4]. M. Honey, R. Gilpin. Tourism in the Developing World. United States Institute of Peace. October 19, 2009.
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[6]. E.E. Thu, T. Kean. Why Myanmar's tourist numbers don't add up. Myanmar Times , January 19, 2015.
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Abstract: Along with the public demands to deliver a business process that is managed well, the spotlight on the performance of public accountant are sharply occurs. It can not be separated from the business malpractice involving professional accountants who create public confidence in the public accounting profession to decrease. This phenomenon has impacted on the public accounting profession in Malang City, Indonesia. CPA Firms in Malang City must continue to improve the professionalism and quality of the audit in order to continue to preserve public confidence in the profession and also be able to compete with colleagues in the country and abroad...........
Keywords: Quality Control System, Auditor Performance, Audit Quality
[1]. Creswell, John. W. 2007. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches(2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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[4]. Fisher, G. Joseph. 1998. Contingency Theory, Management Control System and Firm Outcome: Past Results and Future Directions. Behavioural Research in Accounting, Vol. 10.
[5]. Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI). 2011. Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
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Abstract: The study focussed on the impact of demonetisation on the Indian stock market. The role of cash transactions in an informal economy is critical. With 86 percent of the monetary base being washed off, economic activity in the short run is likely to be adversely impacted. Study revealed that Public sector banking segment, Pharma, Energy and IT has recorded a rise in returns after the announcement of demonetisation. The study concluded that the there is a wide spread negative returns across sectors after demonetisation which reflects the immediate negative sentiments attached with the overall economic activity.
Keywords: Demonetisation, NSE, India.
[1]. Joel Rebello & Gayatri Nayak, (Nov 29, 2016) Demonetisation and its side-effects, The Economic Times,Retreivedfrom
[2]. Narendra Nathan (November 14 2016),How demonetisation and Donald Trump's victory impact your investments, The Economic Times, Retreived from medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
[3]. Pronab Sen, (16/11/2016) Modi's Demonetisation Move May Have Permanently Damaged India's Informal Sector
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Abstract: Treasury management has been and still is a global concern not only in formal corporate world but also in informal financial sector. In Financial institutions, treasury management is about the aspect of risk management by measuring it, controlling it, diversifying it and hedging it. Risk taking is the heart of every financial institution and it is the conscious engagement in risk that constitutes the economic value of financial intermediation. Treasury risk management therefore refers to the process of identifying a suitable trade-off between risks and return in order to maximize the existing opportunities in a society's operational environment...........
Keywords: Deposit-Taking SACCO, treasury risk management, financial performance.
[1]. Ahrens, J., & Rudolph, P. M. (2006). The importance of governance in risk reduction and disaster managment. Journal of Contigencies and Crisis Managment, 14(4), 207-220.
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[3]. Altman, E., & Hotchkiss, E. (2006). Corporates Financial Distress and Bankruptcy: Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze and Invest in Distressed Debt (3RD ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons.
[4]. Ambira, C. M., & Kemoni, H. (2011). Records Management and Risk Management at Kenya Commercial Bank Limited, Nairobi. SA Journal of Information Management, 13(1), 11-25.
[5]. Ballou, J. (2011, November 8). Open ended questions. Encyclopedia of Survey Research methods, pp. 548-550.
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Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the response of women in poor rural families to poverty alleviation programs in the province of Bali. It is also to identify weaknesses or problems in the implementation of poverty alleviation in the province of Bali. This research was conducted in all districts / cities in the province of Bali, with a total sample of 25 respondents in each district / city, bringing the total respondents as many as 225 women in poor families throughout Bali. Samples were determined by purposive sampling of informants needed, and using accidental sampling for the poor respondents...........
Keywords: Women, poverty alleviation, governemtn assistance, rural
[1] Central Bureau of Statistic. Indonesian Population. (Jakarta: BPS, 2011).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Globalization on Sustainable Indian Economy |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dr. Sanjeet Singh |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803017782 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalization means economic globalization of economy of a country and it exert pressure on the government to become more publicly accountable, competitive and responsive to citizens. The UN document defines globalization as "increased and intensified flows between countries". These flows are of goods, services, capital, ideas, information and people, which produce national cross-border integration of a number of economic, social and cultural activities. The primary objective of liberalization is to free from the restrictions on production, expansion and following of rigid rules and regulations. This paper attempts to examine the impact of globalization on the Indian economy and provide a framework for administration to circumvent the overbearing effect of globalization in their efforts towards industrialization, economic growth and development. The study is based on primary as well as on secondary data and it is of descriptive type.
[1]. Brittan (1998), Impact on globalization on developing countries, paper delivered at the Essa conference at somerset west.
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[3]. Trindade(2003),Information, international substitutability and globalization, American economic review,vol.93(3).
[4]. Verdier and Theonig(20030 A Theory of Defensive Skill-Based Innovation and Globalization", American Economic Review, Vol. 93, No3, June
[5]. Chandrasekaran Balakrishnan, Impact of globalisation on developing countries and India..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Causality between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Regeenamma Joseph |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0803018387 ![]() |
Abstract: All production and many consumption activities involve energy as an essential input. It is a critical source of economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. For the proper functioning of an economy, energy is necessary and vital. When analysing the existing literature regarding the causal nexus between economic growth and energy consumption, there exist four different hypotheses, such as growth hypothesis, conservation hypothesis, feedback hypothesis, and neutral hypothesis. Finding the relationship between these two variables is essential in order to formulate energy-efficient policies according to the needs of the nation that will ultimately lead to economic growth. The results of the literature prove that in order to help the government to come up with a stable energy policy, causal nexus should analyse and the limitations which are existing in the present studies should be solved.
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[3]. Cheng, B.S. and Lai, T.W. (1997). "An investigation of co-integration and causality between energy consumption and economic activity in Taiwan". Energy Economics, 19(4), 435-444.
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